Connect with Hope
Hope is that ingredient we have to have to move forward. If we have no hope, we sit still. As a therapist, I try to always give hope to my clients. When spending time with them, I am always looking for a sliver of hope to point out to them, so they will be encouraged to do the work to move forward.
When you have given others hope, they respond. They want to have hope and to be encouraged and motivated. It is a multi billion dollar industry. People pay Tony
Just a glimpse of hope can be enough. I had a client once who was an immigrant and in the US trying hard to make her way. She noticed my
When hope walks in the door, things change. There is suddenly a future and we begin to take advantage of what we have where we are. Doors begin to open and we learn to walk through them. When doors close, we turn left and we keep going. We have hope.
How do you get your hope tank full? It is essential. Hope can help us set goals and be persistent about working toward them. Hope can inspire you to do that thing everyone says you can’t do, because you don’t have what it takes. But if one person believes in you. There is hope. Especially when that one person is you.