What’s in Control, You or Your Phone?
We know more people around the world have cell phones than have ever had landlines. There are almost as many cell phones in operation as…
Insights on the effects of an over-connected society and how to disconnect from your device so you can connect with yourself, your family and your career.
We know more people around the world have cell phones than have ever had landlines. There are almost as many cell phones in operation as…
At night, when we are sleeping, something powerful and important is happening. This is when our brain heals from the anxiety of the day. So,…
In these times of COVID, quickly we are learning that flexibility is the name of the game. We are all learning how to pivot. Oh…
This is not a fun time to write a blog. Not fun at all. It seems so important to be so thoughtful of everyone and…
Our world is a little sideways right now. Everywhere in the world is experiencing this same inversion. We are getting through it. That is the…
Why are we doing this hoarding thing right now? Because we are humans and we all manage fear and anxiety differently based on our temperament…
Is understanding a stumbling block for you? Is it getting in the way of moving forward and moving on? Why do we think we have to understand everything to live a healthy and peaceful life?
I believe that it our responsibility to share the things we know to be true with others , especially in the case that it will…
It can be fun (as long as it is not at others expense) to see what is happening in the world and then prepare the…
It seems like relationships are in a precarious place in our world today. They aren’t lasting or they aren’t beginning or they simply aren’t working….