Book Sneak Peek
I believe that it our responsibility to share the things we know to be true with others , especially in the case that it will make anothers journey easier. I have done many things in life the hard way, and so I will share my stories in hopes that they will help you in your choices in your everyday lives to help you avoid suffering. May my suffering bring you knowledge and empowerment to make wiser choices. I dedicate this book to all who want to enjoy their journey on planet earth and are willing to learn from others who have walked the path before them. Perhaps there is some little tidbit of information here to make your journey a smoother one. I will say it is on the rocky path that we find much growth, so then there is that. Living beautifully often comes from falling down and skinning both knees and having the wisdom to know there is no such thing as constant smooth sailing. If we alter our perspective of our woes, we will make our path so much kinder and manageable. Our greatest pains come from our own hostile thoughts. When we accept that we don’t know the exact experiences we will have but only the way we will manage them, the only thing truly in our control. This connects us to ourselves in a peaceful and gentle way. We wish for comfort but we know that there is no certainty for us that this will be possible. The uncertainty is part of the excitement life brings it is also what grows our fear. We grow up as we accept no security and no knowing. Our only power is in how we handle the pain, as it inevitably comes and unpredictably showers us mercilessly. The certainty is in knowing that all of life is uncertain.
As humans we push back the idea that life is always changing. It insights fear, that thing we least want to know. There are six major life stressors and many of my clients have suffered several simultaneously. Divorce, death, job change, relocation, fiancial issues and health problems.
How to be Connected and Engaged in an Age of Distraction became a clear goal for many of my clients. I began to notice in my private practice as a therapist that daily the topic of digital device distractions came up. This occurred just as I was choosing my topic for my Doctoral Project and so I chose this area of research. I often say it chose me because it became such a need I saw with my clients, and I knew I needed more information and research to be able to address this properly in session. The research I found was pivotal for me and I feel this is a message that needs to be shared globally. Our digital devices are threats to our family connections and relationally wreaking havoc. Our blind faith in technology is keeping us from making wise choices with regard to our time spent on our digital devices. We know we are at our best and thriving when we are connected in person with family and friends, and yet we are quick to isolate with our devices and ignore in person connections. Instead of in person connection, we are using technology to fill a void , but it is not a good filler for us. It doesn’t solve our need for real, in person connections. We are misusing our technology and it is disconnecting us from our loved ones and ourselves. The goal of my book is to help the reader feel less of the emotional elements of too much digital device usage like isolation, anxiety and loneliness, and learn how to better connect and engage in real life situations.
(a short passage from my book , Connected and Engaged )